Sunday, January 2, 2011

Word of the Year 2011: Build


This is the third year I have chosen a word of the year to guide me throughout the next twelve months. My first word was (2009) mettle. I loved that word! It just fit! The next word (for 2010) was engage. Again this word came to me easily and it fit. This year I struggled to find just the right word. I had settled on another word...until I some BIG things happened to didn't fit anymore. I consulted a friend and build seemed the best fit.

Build my relationships.
Build my faith and relationship with God.
Build my professional achievements.
Build myself.

Specifically, there are a couple of wats I plan on achieving this.
1. I want to a race.
2. I want to on this blog, amongst other places.
3. I want to take pictures...maybe take a photography class.
4. I want to read the bible...the whole bible this year.

So, 2011...I'm ready to build a great year!!!


1981Shamrock said...

I think BUILD is a sensational word. I have complete confidence that you will build amazing things in 2011. You've already helped pave a "shiny" new year for me by inspiring me to choose my word and create my vison board. I look forward to seeing all of your architectural genius this year!

Erinn said...

Finishing a race is the most phenomenal feeling in the entire world! Let me know what you run and I'll do it to!

Michelle Haseltine said...

I'd love that! I just started back today and it felt great. I think I'd like to start with a 5K. I'll let you know! Happy New Year!

Trinity and the brood said...

Great word! I can't wait to hear how it plays out throughout this 2011. Thank you for this idea by the way- I love it and it has blessed many women just in the last week as I shared the idea with friends and God gave every single one of them a word!

Musings and thoughts...